Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rooming In

Despite the fact that the request for the nursing care was denied, we're still optimistic that the insurance company will have a heart and approve it. Thus, the neonatologist and the pulmonologist appealed the denial. It's a waiting game. We're in limbo...all because of insurance.

Plans to room in was in the works. Today, it happened. Rooming in is the process where Paul and I stay in a small room at the NICU to pretty much provide all of Caleb's care. The medical staff are here, only to observe and sign us off. We've been here since 7:30pm and we've done everything: meds, bathing, trach care, suctioning, diaper changes, etc. It's not any different from what we do when we're visiting, but this time, we are in a room and we get to sleep in with Caleb. We also use all of our home medical equipments, not any of the hospital's. This is to get us acclimated with the home life. We plan to room in as long as it takes to make us feel comfortable. We're thinking four days/nights.

Talk about sleepless nights. I can't even think of closing my eyes. Since we can't hear Caleb's muted cries, we have to be on top of things. My cell phone is set to alarm at different times.

  • 8am- Cardiac Meds and EBM (Expressed Breast Milk) Feeds
  • 10am- Trach Care
  • 12pm- Formula Feeds
  • 2pm- Cardiac Meds
  • 4pm- EBM Feeds
  • 5pm- Cardiac Meds
  • 7pm- Bath and Trach Care
  • 8pm- Cardiac Meds and EBM Feeds
  • 10pm-6am- Continues Feeds Begin, 70mL/hr (first four hours are EBM's, the next, Formula
  • 2am- Cardiac Meds
  • 5am- Cardiac Meds

Trach care is a two person minimum job. The feeds last an hour long.

To add to the list, suctioning, diaper changes, rash medications, cuddle time, splint/physical therapy, and speech therapy that we've incorporated with play time.

I'm gonna be a zombie tomorrow. There's no way I can sleep tonight.

God, please bless us and guide us.

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