Thursday, May 7, 2009

Going Home?

Since my last post, nothing has changed. We're still here at the NICU at Dell. We've been ready to go home. It's just a waiting game with the insurance company. I'm so upset. The only thing we're waiting on is for Blue Cross/Blue Shield to approve 24 hour nursing care at home for at least the first two weeks after discharge. And guess what?? The company won't approve it. Even though the national clinical standard for all babies with a tracheostomy is discharge with round the clock nursing care, the stupid insurance won't approve it.

Their policy doesn't allow it. They say if the baby needs 24 hour care, then he should be at the hospital. They won't pay $40/hr for 24 hours/day at $960/day but they will pay for $5,000/day at the hospital. Someone should teach the insurance company simple arithmetic!!!

Yup we're stuck. The hospital case managers, social workers, doctors and my company is advocating for Caleb's discharge conditions. The insurance company is even acknowledging the national clinical standard, but they won't budge. Send us home.... please.

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