Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MRI and Getting Ready for Home

The nurse called me this morning stating that Caleb is scheduled for his MRI at 10:30am. I immediately hurried to Dell. Due to his procedure, he was NPO since 4am and only has pedialyte in his hungry little tummy. He took it very well. Not very grumpy at all. This was a reschedule since he did not cooperate with Monday's MRI. I had already mentioned to the medical staff that hydrochlorate isn't the best anesthetic for Caleb. Of course, they didn't listen. So this time, they called the anesthesiologist to give him general anesthesia via (another) IV port. I mentioned to the doctor that he's not a "good stick." Meaning, it takes usually 5 or more attempts to get his IV. Lucky for Caleb (mostly for mommy), the doctor was successful the first time. I pray that the results reveal no significant change to his cerebral cysts.

After the procedure was concluded, it was time to discuss his progress with the medical staff. I discovered that prior to discharge, there is so much to be done.
  1. Schedule follow ups with--- the molecular geneticist, genetecist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, ENT, gastroentologist, neurologist, and the surgeons
  2. Contact pediatrician for initial appointment
  3. Contact home health care for schedule of nursing care, speech therapy, occupational/physical therapy, and developmental therapy
  4. Meet with home health care for medical equipments and training on the saturation monitor, suction, ambu bag, oxygen, feeding machine, etc.
  5. Contact Medicaid office
  6. Contact pharmacy for cardiac meds
  7. Clean the Ronald McDonald House
  8. Clean our house and organize our room/his nursery (since he can't sleep in his own room)
  9. Finish up his medical book (for our reference and easy access to his medical history and other important info)
  10. Schedule special CPR class for Trach babies- completed, scheduled for May 8, 3pm

Wow. That's a long list. I can seriously say "I'm done." We've been in the NICU system for 101 days (and counting).

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